ELSIS Remote Delivery

Dear partners and students

In response to the Covid-19 crisis, ELSIS intends to offer all its courses remotely from onwards until further notice.

What happens next?

  • All ELSIS classes will move to 100% remote delivery from Monday, 23 March until further notice.
  • All learning materials and experiences will be accessed through the students’ class spaces as advised by their teacher.
  • Information on assessment requirements and more details will be advised as soon as possible by the respective teacher.
  • All students will be individually contacted via e-mail to explain how to access remote course delivery.
  • Students are expected to attend their remote classes to maintain your academic progress and comply with visa requirements.

To attend remote classes, it is important that students have access to the following:

1. Home computer
2. Home Internet
3. Camera and microphone linked to their computer

All students are encouraged to purchase, or gain access to, equipment which will facilitate remote delivery.

Also, ELSIS campuses will remain open until further notice and students will be able to access ELSIS computers and internet during opening hours.
If students do not have access to equipment to allow them to connect to remote delivery, they can use and access the equipment on campus.

We continue to monitor the situation very closely and take advice as issued by the Australian Government and the education sector regulators.

More details and updates concerning these arrangements will be sent to you as they become available.

Please monitor communication from ELSIS regularly for updates and stay in touch with us.

If students have any questions, they should feel free to contact student services ( [email protected] ), their teacher / course coordinator, or any other ELSIS staff member.

We are here to help and assist you through this challenging time.

Thank you for your patience and support.


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