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Which ELSIS course are you interested in?
Please do not hesitate to send us your enquiries.
Account Name: Education Centre of Australia Pty Ltd Bank Name: HSBC Bank Australia Limited Branch: Bondi Junction, NSW 2022, Australia BSB: 342 078 Account No: 050 127 001 Swift Code: HKBAAU2S Copy of TT receipt must be sent to ELSIS
ELSIS Student Orientation Guide Melbourne or ELSIS Student Orientation Guide Sydney or ELSIS Student Orientation Guide Brisbane
Should you need a translation, please do not hesitate to contact us.Position: EAP Coordinator
I trained to be a high school ESL teacher, but it wasn’t long before I left that behind to pursue teaching English to adult learners.
For 13 years I’ve been teaching at ELSIS, mostly working with the EAP course. What I love about ELSIS is the mix of nationalities, the range of backgrounds which our students come from, and being able to help them on their journey to achieve their academic goals in Australia.
One day you’ll see my name on the cover of a book
Position: Teacher
I've been teaching at ELSIS for four years. I have taught General English and now I'm teaching the FCE Cambridge course, which I really enjoy. I love teaching at ELSIS and being part of a vibrant friendly team. At ELSIS we care about our students and work together to provide them with the best academic experience. I feel so proud when my students pass the official Cambridge test!
I can bake a very nice cake! But I cannot operate before my morning coffee.
Position: Teacher
Teaching English has always been my passion and interest. I've taught English to new migrants, young adults on study tours, exam preparation courses and more. I have a Bachelor of Arts, a TESOL certificate and am currently finishing my Masters of Education (TESOL) degree.
ELSIS is an amazing college with a team of experienced and dedicated teachers, excellent facilities and such a vibrant mix of students from all over the world
I love going on outdoor adventures, doing yoga and watching cooking shows
Position: Evening Coordinator
With a background in teaching and training for a number of years in English language colleges, TAFE and the corporate sector, I’ve really enjoyed meeting and teaching students from countries all around the world.
For me ELSIS has been the best teaching experience of my career. It’s a very friendly and welcoming school and the quality of English language education is exceptional, so our students learn and have fun too! As a Course Coordinator at ELSIS I love being able to help our students enjoy their experience!
And…I love travelling. Maybe I’ve been to your country?
I have a Bachelor degree in writing and a TESOL certificate. I taught English in Cambodia for three months before joining ELSIS. I also have 10 years of experience in hospitality and customer service, so I am currently running the hospitality afternoon workshop. I love teaching at ELSIS because we have a strong sense of community and excellent students.
Lord of the Rings Enthusiast.
Position: Director of Studies
At ELSIS, we believe in supporting students throughout their learning journey. We want students to thrive while they’re with us and to develop not only their English-language skills but their confidence as well. To ensure this, we have a dedicated Student Services team who are ready to help students in a caring and supportive manner. Our teachers are qualified and experienced but most importantly, invested in each student’s educational success.
We pride ourselves in offering a friendly yet professional environment to our students, and each day we look forward to enhancing the student experience.
I've been teaching English for several years and I come from a psychology, music and creative writing background.
ELSIS is a great place to teach with lovely staff and students. The high quality of learning is also fun and satisfying.
I used to have long hair and play guitar with a rock and roll band in pubs around Sydney.
Position: General English Coordinator
My first English teaching experience was in 2008 and I loved it. Ever since I have taught English in Malta and I have been teaching at ELSIS since 2009. I am currently the General English coordinator, and I enjoy being able to create new materials, teach awesome students and work with a team of enthusiastic teachers.
Coffee is not optional
Position: Teacher
I have taught English for more than 5 years in 5 different countries. My background is in Psychology, which has been useful when applying pedagogical techniques that I further developed while undergoing my TESOL certification. I truly believe that to learn a new language is to discover a new perspective in life and I love guiding students through this adventure.
I love jazz music and I think Game of Thrones was overrated!
I affirm the information I have provided in my application and in this declaration is true and correct and that any false information provided may lead to the cancellation of my enrolment at any time. The English Language School in Sydney will notify government agencies of any change to my enrolment which may result in the cancellation of my student visa.
I understand and agree that information provided in this Student Agreement and collected during my enrolment is collected in order to meet the English Language School in Sydney’s obligations under the ESOS Act and the National Code 2007 to ensure student compliance with conditions of their visas and their obligations under Australian immigration laws generally. The authority to collect this information is contained in the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2001 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007. Information collected about me on this form and during my enrolment can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, to the Tuition Protection Service. In other instances, information collected on this form or during my enrolment can be disclosed without my consent where authorised or required by law.
I understand and agree that before I can enrol in the English Language School in Sydney (ELSIS), I must satisfy the conditions as outlined in my Letter of Offer. I understand and agree that I have the obligation to satisfy all of these conditions and if they are not fully satisfied on or before the date of the commencement of my English Language Course, I cannot commence the Course and the English Language School in Sydney may, at its option, terminate my enrolment.
I agree to the English Language School in Sydney releasing personal information relevant to my application, visa documentation and initial Course enrolment to the English Language School in Sydney’s overseas representatives whom I have authorised to act on my behalf and to the English Language School in Sydney’s preferred OSHC provider.
I have read and understood the description of the courses, facilities, classroom equipment and learning resources as described in the student handbook and have exercised my independent judgment in enroling in ELSIS. The English Language School in Sydney does not guarantee that enrolment in or completion of any ELSIS English Course will enable me to obtain any particular employment or to remain in Australia upon completion of the Course.
I understand that I must have sufficient funds to finance both my tuition fees and living expenses for the duration of my course. I understand that the tuition fees do not cover the costs of books, materials, field trips or living expenses unless otherwise specified.
I acknowledge that I have received information on the local environment in which I will be studying, including the location of the teaching site, accommodation and living costs.
I understand that I am responsible for all educational and other living cost expenses of any person who accompanies me to Australia. I understand that all school-aged dependents accompanying me to Australia must attend school and are required to pay full fees if they are enroled in a government or non-government school.
I understand that the current approximate cost of living in Australia is between $18,000 and $21,000 Australian dollars (AUD) per year (for an update check www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/english/live-in-australia/living-costs).
I understand and accept that:
I understand and accept that my eCoE will be cancelled and I will not be eligible to receive a Release Letter if I:
I understand and accept that notification of cancellation of an eCoE does not constitute a Release Letter.
I understand and accept that
I understand and accept that it is my responsibility to
I understand and accept that timetabled day classes refer to both morning and afternoon sessions, or class-times and that ELSIS may change my timetable from one to the other.
I understand and accept that while I am enrolled at ELSIS it is my responsibility to notify the English Language School in Sydney at least 7 days before I change my address. This is to ensure that any notification sent to me advising of visa breaches is sent to my current address.
I understand and accept that:
The laws that protect international students from the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) framework. They include the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and the ESOS National Code. Under ESOS, education providers must meet certain obligations as part of their registration on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). We recommend that you find out more about the ESOS framework and your rights as an international student before accepting an offer of a place and forwarding your fees by visiting:
I understand and accept that:
I I understand and accept that:
The English Language School in Sydney will arrange to transfer this fee on your behalf and issue the relevant documentation. For further information please refer to worldcare.com.au
I understand and accept that I am responsible for paying all due fees before or on the due date, and accept that penalties may be imposed for late payment of fees.
I understand and accept that I will not be enroled if I have not paid my fees and charges by the set enrolment date.
I understand and accept that I may be excluded from classes and that my enrolment may be suspended for any period my fees remain unpaid.
I understand and accept that I may be sent a “Non-Financial Intention to Report Letter” if I have outstanding unpaid fees and charges and I have failed to respond positively to ELSIS attempts to make arrangements for the full payment of outstanding fees and charges.
I understand and accept that the Intention to Report Letter will inform me of my right to Appeal against being reported, within 20 working days of the English Language School in Sydney sending the Letter.
I understand and accept that ELSIS will cancel my eCoE and report this to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) if:
I understand and accept that if I terminate or complete my course but have unpaid fees and charges, I will not be issued with any Certificates and/or Statements of Attainment until all fees are paid.
I understand that I have an entitlement to make internal and external complaints about facilities, behavioural and academic matters and to make internal and external appeals against decisions relating to academic and administrative matters, outcomes of complaints, and disciplinary matters.
I understand that if I want to lodge an external appeal I can do so with the Overseas Students Ombudsman.
The Overseas Students Ombudsman is free and independent. Find out more at www.oso.gov.au or phone 1300 362 072.
Student Visa and Visa Subclass Conditions
I understand and accept that Australian student visas have a number of conditions and requirements and that the holder of a student visa must:
I understand that ELSIS:
I understand and accept ELSIS policies and procedures relating to the refund of tuition administration fees and charges as outlined in the ELSIS Application Form and ELSIS Letter of Offer.